Start a New Sexual Revolution

Too tired? Too busy? Too pissed off? Tell me what's shutting down your desire and I'll help you find solutions for kicking it up a notch.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Passionate Couples

You might wonder how couples who have been together a long time can beat the boredom factor and keep their sex life passionate. There seem to be some factors which help keep passion alive.

First, each of the partners in the relationship needs to find ways to stay excited about life. People who are bored are usually borING - both in and out of the sack. Staying engaged with people and activities that are stimulating, challenging, and fun is an important way to hold onto passion.

Second, the couple needs shared time and shared interests to nurture their connection. Couples who enjoy each other's company, who laugh together, and who are able to work out differences rather than building resentment are the most likely candidates for holding onto a passionate sex life.

You might want to think about how you could be a more passionate individual as well as a more passionate partner.

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