Start a New Sexual Revolution

Too tired? Too busy? Too pissed off? Tell me what's shutting down your desire and I'll help you find solutions for kicking it up a notch.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tough Times

Yesterday gas hit $3.75 locally and I heard from two different people who were unexpectedly laid off from their jobs. The economic crisis facing our country seems to be hitting closer and closer to home. Stressing out over money is nothing new, but more couples are experiencing serious financial strain that is creating conflict and distance in their relationships.

If you or your partner has recently lost a job or you're just having a hard time making your budget stretch to meet your monthly bills, you may find your sex life tanking along with your budget. Job loss is often accompanied by depression as well as anxiety. Loss of self esteem and fear about the future can kill a sex drive pretty quickly.

If you're one of the many victims of the current money crunch, make sure you and your partner are on the same side of the problem. Make your money woes the enemy that you fight together rather than withdrawing from each other or playing the blame game. You need each other now more than ever - and you need the comfort and respite of intimate time together.

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