Start a New Sexual Revolution

Too tired? Too busy? Too pissed off? Tell me what's shutting down your desire and I'll help you find solutions for kicking it up a notch.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

After the Romance

I've posted in the past about the chemical cocktail that romance releases in the body. Under the influence of that cocktail, even low desire people get fired up and can't seem to get enough of their lover. But eventually, the cocktail wears off and relationships settle into the normalcy of everyday life.

In restoring some romance to your relationship, it helps if you think about the things you did differently while 'intoxicated' with love. You can't necessarily get those chemicals back, but you can make time with your partner a priority, focus on their positive qualities, create surprises for them, rediscover your playful side, practice being seductive, and generally put more energy into being the partner you want to have.

Re-creating the conditions of romantic love might not give you a voracious sexual appetite, but it will certainly improve your intimacy - and probably your interest.

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