Start a New Sexual Revolution

Too tired? Too busy? Too pissed off? Tell me what's shutting down your desire and I'll help you find solutions for kicking it up a notch.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Titillation Saturation

I've been posting about sexual things that turn you off, but I haven't mentioned all the sexual titillation in the media. Is that a turn-on or a turn-off? From Victoria Secret commercials to Grey's Anatomy, there's no shortage of sexual stimulation. So why are so many people having trouble getting their sex drive out of sleep mode?

I wonder if we've been so over-stimulated that couples jumping in and out of bed with each other just doesn't have the impact it might have had back in the days when even married TV couples slept in twin beds. We may have reached a saturation point with media sexuality. You may not exactly feel turned off by it, but it may have little impact on your sexual desire. Actually, if you've become immune to sex in the media, that could be contributing to your sense of being sexually shut-down.

Obviously, you don't have any control over how the media uses sexuality, but you do have control over your exposure to it. You might try going on a media fast. You might also try noticing what kind of images or story lines do have some kind of positive effect. In any case, don't let the absence of effect convince you that you're sexually dead. You may just be media dead.

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