Start a New Sexual Revolution

Too tired? Too busy? Too pissed off? Tell me what's shutting down your desire and I'll help you find solutions for kicking it up a notch.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Angry or Interested?

Language shapes your experience of the world. Ever think about how your sexuality has been warped by the use of sexual language for insults, put-downs, and dismissals? It says a lot about the power of sex to wound as well as to heal.

How do you make sense out of "F_ _ k off!" and "Honey, do you want to f_ _ k?" Or describing something that's terribly wrong as "f_ _ked up"? And how do you separate all the angry expressions that refer in some way to oral sex (e.g. "c_ _ ksucker" "blow me"), from your partner's desire to include oral sex in your lovemaking? And why do we use the slang terms for our genitals to express contempt for someone? No wonder people are so conflicted about sex!

If you use sexual language to express anger, think about how that language affects not only you, but your partner, as well. You may want to consider expanding your anger vocabulary and reserving your sexual talk for your sex life.

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