Start a New Sexual Revolution

Too tired? Too busy? Too pissed off? Tell me what's shutting down your desire and I'll help you find solutions for kicking it up a notch.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Politically Incorrect?

I've been a feminist for many years and have certainly encouraged women to take more ownership of their sexuality - including voicing their needs and wants, nurturing their sexual desire, and taking a more active role in sexual encounters. However, many women fantasize about being 'taken' sexually - or being 'taught' about sex by a more experienced partner - or being seduced by their lover. Some women enjoy acting out these fantasies with their partner. So are these women passive wimpy females who've yet to claim full equality with men?

Not at all. Intimate, sexual interaction often falls outside the realm of what is 'politically correct'. The safety of an intimate connection allows both men and women to experiment with different roles and different parts of themselves. The same woman who likes the role of the innocent virgin on one occasion may, at another time, relish putting her man in handcuffs. Men, who may be very 'take charge' people in the world of work, may sometimes enjoy adopting the role of a young teenager in the hands of a Mrs. Robinson.

So if both of you are comfortable in the sexual roles that you assume and the language that you use, leave political correctness outside the bedroom door and let yourselves be as "bad" as you want to be.

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