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Thursday, November 8, 2007

James Spader

My apologies to those of you who aren't Boston Legal viewers, but tonight I've got James Spader on my mind. Someone asked me today if I thought James Spader was sexy. Since I'm a big fan of his and since I'm always interested in what people find sexy, I gave it some thought. I was a little surprised to find myself answering 'no'. He's a good actor, nice-looking, a powerhouse in the courtroom - so what's missing? I think it's laughter. I don't know that I've ever seen him with a teeth-baring smile, much less cracked up with laughter.

Maybe that's just me. Laughter wasn't mentioned in the survey of what men and women find sexy, and I'm sure there are those who are turned on by the silent, brooding type. But it seems to me that fun and playfulness and the ability to squeeze every bit of joy out of life are intimately connected to our sexuality. And how can you do all that without laughing?

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